Contribute to ECSF

All Contribtutions are 100% tax deductible. Thank You!

Contributions made to the Edison Community Sports Foundation help provide scholarships for Edison students who have shown excellence in academics, athletics and the arts. Contributions are also made by the ECSF to various NE community events, and organizations helping to fund groups such as Minneapolis Parks Youth Sports, Edison High School projects, and the NE Royalty. The Alumni newsletter is also supported by your generous donations.

And, as always, we offer many, many deep and genuine thanks to you, our donors, for your outstanding and continued support and encouragement of Edison students!

See 2024 scholarship recipients here.

Send contributions and make check payable to:
Edison Community & Sports Foundation
PO Box 68032
Minneapolis, MN 55418

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Make Your Donation Online. Thank you for your support!

2024 Scholarships
funded by ECSF

ECSF Scholarship

Frank Rog Scholarship

Wes Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship

Edison Authors Literary Arts Scholarship

Niles Schulz Scholarship (2)

Pete Guzy Scholarship (2)

Guil Parsons Scholarship (2)

Art Solz Scholarship (2)

Class of 1963 Scholarship

All contributions are fully tax deductible.