Established in 1983, the Edison Community & Sports Foundation consists of Edison High School alumni, and community who originally organized to honor coaches and past athletes while building scholarship funds for Edison High School students. Today’s Foundation has expanded to support Edison High School in a broader spectrum while keeping the past connected to the future. To learn more, please visit the About Us page. If you are interested in a membership, complete the form on the Register to Receive News & Information page and select “yes” at the bottom of the form.

Niles Schulz Scholarship

Class of 1949 – 75th Reunion makes the news!

Click here to watch

Another successful golf tournament in the books!

We had another great event this year with great weather and Tommy fellowship.  128 golfers and many volunteers converged on Columbia Golf Club on July 29th to golf, reconnect and enjoy a beautiful day!

Among the many volunteers for the event were many of the students which benefit from the foundation and what the tournament raises.  The foundation would like to extend a special “Thank You” to the following Edison teams for volunteering to help make the tournament a success.

Baseball                        Track and Field              Cheerleading   

Girls Soccer                   Softball                         Swimming

As I’ve often said in the past, I’ve never seen the foundation send anyone away empty handed.  This event helps to ensure that ECSF doesn’t have to.  These teams are helping us help them

Almost $11,000 was raised, with $7,500 of that through the support of our amazing sponsors listed below.

Edison Centennial - 100 Years 1922-2022

The Bulb

“The Bulb” is the Edison Tommies Student Network and as part of the Centennial Celebration, they are featuring 100 alumni stories on Youtube. One new story will be released each day. The first story was shared June 22nd, 2022 which is 100 days before the big event!
Below are the links to the first three stories and they are wonderful to listen to!

Please “like” the stories, and share with your network of Edison and Northeast Minneapolis friends, family and alumni!

This is a great opportunity to get people excited about the upcoming 100 Year Celebration and also to share special memories of Edison High! It’s also a great opportunity to bring visibility to the Edison Tommies Student Network. Hit the “Subscribe” button to get updates on the YouTube channel and check your settings to be notified.


Contributions made to the Edison Community Sports Foundation help provide scholarships for Edison students who have shown excellence in academics, athletics and the arts.
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For more information about our recent scholarship recipients, updates from Board President Iacarella and more
Check out the ECSF Newsletter!

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